AACF’s Technical Assistance Program provides assistance to early childhood professionals to improve and sustain high-quality childcare. Our services include:
DCDEE star-rated licensing
Environmental Rating Scales (ITERS, ECERS, FCCERS, SACERS)
Resources on child care rules and regulations
Room Arrangement
Professional Development
Address DCDEE Corrective Actions
Positive Guidance Techniques
Curriculums and Scheduling
Interactions (Infant, Toddler, and Preschool CLASS) and
North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development (NCFELD)
Start-up assistance for those interested in opening a child care facility
Eligibility Criteria for TA Services:
Located in Bertie, Camden, Currituck, Gates, or Pasquotank Counties that cares for children ages 0-5 years of age.
Currently licensed or plan to get licensed through the NC Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE).
Why enroll in TA?
Achieve the highest quality care and education for children
Explore developmentally appropriate practices
Focus on teaching and learning
Access a team of early childhood experts
Support your teachers and program staff members
Improve communication skills to work with families
Create the environment for early learning
Successfully navigate the NC Quality Rated License and achieve 5 stars and beyond!
Our TA practitioners will work with you to develop an action plan with goals based on results of a pre-assessment. We will also provide staff training and referrals to other helpful community services that may benefit child care providers or the young children in their care. The entire TA process is about growing and becoming better teachers to assist the children in our communities develop into healthy, socially skilled children who have a love for learning and are prepared for kindergarten! For more information or to request TA services, fill out the contact box below!